
At Kreyol Pale Creole Konprann our goal is to develop products that are designed to help bridge the language gap between English and Haitian-Creole, and ensure that the Haitian-Creole language is passed down from this generation to the next generation.
Kreyol Pale Creole Konprann has developed educational items designed to help parents teach Haitian-Creole at home. Our current products focus on providing basic Haitian-creole sight words.
Kreyol Pale Creole Konprann wants to ensure for the generations to come when Creole is spoken, Creole is understood.
As the Haitian community continues to expand beyond the island of Haiti, the family dynamics will continue to change. The blending of the Haitian culture with various nationalities has allowed for the Creole language to spread across the world. As with most things in life, with change comes new challenges. Raising children in a community where Creole is not the primary language the tools and resources are not always available and can make it difficult to keep the spirit of the Haitian-Creole language alive.

Bella Rose is a first-generation Haitian-American. She was born and raised in Miami, Florida. Bella grew up in a community called Little Haiti. Growing up in that neighborhood gave her access to educational resources that allowed for the learning and development of the Haitian Heritage. She can remember learning to read and write in Creole along with folktales, songs, and dances from the culture.
Never would she had imagined that she would have a hard time teaching her four-year-old child to speak Creole. Although she speaks Creole at home with her son, he understands but cannot reply back in Creole. So Bella decided to develop and create educational content geared towards introducing Haitian-creole to the current and future generations.